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Ehrenruehrige Und Ungeheuerliche Unterstellungen

Rolf Breuer: Former Deutsche Bank CEO passes away

Ehrenrührige und ungeheuerliche Unterstellungen

Rolf Breuer, the former CEO and later supervisory board chairman of Deutsche Bank, passed away at the age of 86. He is particularly remembered for a consequential statement regarding the Kirch bankruptcy.

Breuer denied any intention to harm Kirch with his TV interview. "What is being alleged against me is outrageous and defamatory," he said.

Rolf Breuer in 2015 at the Munich Regional Court, hearing on the consequences of the Kirch bankruptcy (Photo: Sven Hoppe / picture alliance / dpa)

Deutsche Bank has been ordered to pay compensation to the heirs of the late media mogul Leo Kirch.
